Sardis Ancient City – Izmir Salihli Transfer
Sardis, the capital of the Lydian Kingdom, was ruled by King Croesus. The ancient city of Sardes is among the important Roman cities. Sardis (Sart), located 90 km east of Izmir, next to the town of Sartmahmut, is an archaeological site with a lot of history to see.
The construction of the Great Temple of Artemis in the ancient city dates back to BC. It was started in 334 BC and has been reconstructed with various architectural styles over the centuries.
Roma Street in the city is one of the most important roads passing over Sardes in the east-west direction for more than 2500 years. A road leading to one of the city's most important main entrances, located 100 meters to the east during the Lydian period, is located here. During the Roman period, this entrance was converted into an open space with an enormous arch.
This road provided a very important development for urban life in the Roman Period. The road, which is approximately 12 meters wide and covered with marble blocks, curves slightly towards north-south directions. Pipes and pipes under the pavement are part of a complex water system. There are traces of pedestrian and vehicle traffic on some marble blocks, as well as graffiti engraved by the local people.
The roads of late Roman Sardis were besieged by residential, commercial and industrial dwellings. The Byzantine shops lined up behind the northern portico of the Roman road belong to the lively commercial district of the 5-6th centuries.
The vase-like water bowl, originally made of marble, in the middle of the forecourt is a kind of fountain where the congregation washes their hands before the ritual. The water was conveyed by terracotta pipes under the floor. An ingenious valve would control the flow of water. The surrounding pool was originally paved with flat stone, probably of marble.
Known as the third synagogue in the world, the Sardis Synagogue was built in BC. It is known that it was built in 212-215. It is thought to have been used by the Jewish community of about 10,000 people, consisting of 2,000 households who came to the region.
You can experience this city, which is waiting to be gained in faith tourism, with a guide, with our Sardes Tour from Izmir. You can also make online reservations for hotels in Salihli by clicking here with our Izmir Salihli Transfer option.
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